Weddings with Lightroom Presets – Dejan Djuric
Dejan Djuric is a professional photographer in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina ( hey, I was there with my wife for our honeymoon – Balkans is such a beautiful place on earth! /Krzysztof ). He mainly shoot wedding photography and since a few weeks for his daily work he uses two of our Lightroom 4-5 Presets Collections – Analog Story and Delicious Colors. Here is what he says:
I have been using your presets for quite some time and
I am really satisfied with them!
Delicious Presets is the tool I have been looking for!
Dejan Djuric – Professional Photographer, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
His pictures with off-camera flash and well captured joyful moments are definitely worth noticing Make sure to follow his facebook page and other social profiles if you like his work Thanks for the testimonial and your images, Dejan! (more…)