Wedding Lightroom Presets

Dejan Djuric is a professional photographer in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina ( hey, I was there with my wife for our honeymoon – Balkans is such a beautiful place on earth! :) /Krzysztof ). He mainly shoot wedding photography and since a few weeks for his daily work he uses two of our Lightroom 4-5 Presets Collections – Analog Story and Delicious Colors. Here is what he says:

Delicious Presets review testimonial

I have been using your presets for quite some time and
I am really satisfied with them!
Delicious Presets is the tool I have been looking for!

Dejan Djuric – Professional Photographer, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

His pictures with off-camera flash and well captured joyful moments are definitely worth noticing :) Make sure to follow his facebook page and other social profiles if you like his work :) Thanks for the testimonial and your images, Dejan!

Lightroom 5 Film PresetsLightroom 5 Analog Presets for WeddingLightroom 5 Best PresetsLightroom 5 Wedding PhotographyWedding Lightroom PresetsWedding photojournalism Lightroom 5 PresetsNatural Colors with Lightroom PresetsLightroom 5 Natural Colors PresetsLightroom 5 Presets CollectionsLightroom 5 Presets BundlesLightroom 5 Presets Wedding SamplesBest Wedding Lightroom PresetsBeautiful Lightroom 5 PresetsSubtle Lightroom 5 PresetsWedding Lightroom PresetsBeautiful Lightroom 5 Presets

Photographer: Dejan Djuric

Professional photographer from Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
