/Krzysztof Ziętarski

About Krzysztof Ziętarski

Wedding and family photographer, the author of Delicious Presets - I'm here to help you improve and speed-up you photography post-processing.
28 February 2016

Delicious Storyteller Presets – First Reviews and Photos from Photographers

By |28 February 2016|Lightroom 4-5 Presets, New Presets, Presets Show Off, Testimonials|0 Comments

Delicious Storyteller - review and photos

From the photographers using our new Delicious Storyteller presets we receive a very positive reactions, just like this one from Rebecca:

“Oh my goodness, these are beautiful!!!
I’ve used VSCO for a very long time, and haven’t found any that I love more…
but these, they are taking the cake.”
Rebecca Wang

We’re very happy to hear that the new presets fit very well into your photography stories :) Below we show some more photos processed with Delicious Storyteller presets.

27 February 2016

Delicious Storyteller – New Presets for Lightroom & ACR

By |27 February 2016|New Products|0 Comments

Delicious Storyteller - New Presets for Lightroom & ACR ( Camera RAW Photoshop )

On February 17th we launched the three new Lightroom & ACR ( Camera RAW ) Presets Collections – Delicious Storyteller.

We put a serious dose of our effort and professional knowledge into these newly created presets collections. We also considered the most important current needs of photographers regarding post-processing which you asked for.

The three new Delicious Storyteller collections will work great every time there is an interesting story to tell with photography.

We grouped all these new presets into collections by the mood, and different nature of post-processing colors you like.

Here are the Delicious Storyteller presets: (more…)

2 February 2016

How to “Enable Lens Profile Corrections” on all photos in Lightroom

By |2 February 2016|Articles|0 Comments

Enable profile corrections on all photos in Lightroom

The automated lens vignetting and distortion corrections feature was firstly introduced in Lightroom 5. It is simply awesome and makes the lives of photographers one step easier.

However, did you ever try to create a preset which would automate the task of checking the “Enable Profile Corrections” checbox on each image, regardless of the lens used in particular photo?

If you tried, then you know it’s not possible to make it applicable to all the lenses. It’s a fact, that when you create a preset with Lens Corrections enabled, the preset stores the info about the lens profile you choose.

How about the larger photo sets where you have a few hundreds photos and want all of them to have profile corrections enabled?

There’s still a quite easy solution to this problem which we developed some time ago!

28 October 2015

Lightroom & ACR Presets – 1.2 update

By |28 October 2015|Product Updates|0 Comments

Two and a half year passed since the last update to our Lightroom Presets. So many things to change during this time and we also matured in our photography journey. The aspects we covered in this update ( 1.2 ) are:

  • Added Adobe Camera Raw presets in each package
  • More subtle contrasts and tonal transitions
  • Balanced, cohesive colors within each collection
  • Softer settings for sharpening, balanced within each collection
  • Each preset is now available in two variations: a “+” one with stronger contrast and the “-“, softer version:
Delicious Presets - Lightroom & ACR presets update 1.2

Our Free Lightroom & ACR Presets collection also got updated. It now contains these presets:

  • BW Analog 200
  • Portrait 200
  • Pastel Tone


Take a look at our current looks. You’ll find more samples on product pages, i.e. Complete Collection of Lightroom & ACR Presets.

Delicious Presets - Lightroom & ACR presets update 1.2 Delicious Presets - Lightroom & ACR presets update 1.2 Delicious Presets - Lightroom & ACR presets update 1.2 Delicious Presets - Lightroom & ACR presets update 1.2 Delicious Presets - Lightroom & ACR presets update 1.2

-20% discount

To celebrate the update, we set the -20% discount on all the Delicious Presets for Lightroom & ACR. The discount ends by 8th of November. Take a look at the products:

22 April 2015

Lightroom 6 / CC Presets Compatibility

By |22 April 2015|Product Updates|0 Comments

Lightroom 6 / CC Presets Backward Compatibility

Adobe Lightroom 6 / CC Release

Yesterday Adobe released new version of Lightroom. This is Lightroom 6 as an perpetual license purchase, and Lightroom CC as a part of Photography CC subscription.

New Lightroom brings us some neat features, like Panorama Merge, HDR Merge, Facial Recognition, performance improvements using GPUs ( always welcome! ), Filter Brush, Improved Web Galleries, Advanced Video Slideshows, etc. ( full list of what’s new in Lightroom )

“Will my Lightroom 4/5 Presets Continue to Work?”

What interests us the most, when using presets, is that the develop engine stays the same as in Lightroom 4 and Lightroom 5. This means there’s no need to rewrite our develop presets. They work totally the same way like they do in Lightroom 4 and 5. You can use additional features given in Lightroom 5, 6 or CC, but our Lightroom presets affect only the sliders which are all the same in Lightroom 4/5/6/CC and they give the same effect in all these versions. The same applies to Delicious Recipes – our fast workflow for Lightroom 4/5/6/CC + NIK Color Efex Pro 4.

-30% discount

To celebrate the new Adobe’s release, we added -30% discount for all our products. The discount is valid through April, 27th, 2015 – enjoy! :)

30 April 2014

Delicious Recipes ( Lightroom + Color Efex Pro Workflow ) – 1.1 Update

By |30 April 2014|Color Efex Pro Recipes, Delicious Recipes, Discounts, Presets Show Off, Product Updates|0 Comments

Delicious Recipes Update 1.1 - Lightroom and Color Efex Pro workflow for professional photographers

Since the release of the Delicious Recipes ( our time-saving workflow for Lightroom and Color Efex Pro ) in September 2013, many of you used them with success. So far it contained the Color Efex Pro recipes which I personally use. Many of you liked the warm colors very much, but the workflow gains much more possibilities when you have a choice of other color variations within CEP recipes :)

To better cover your personal taste I created 14 new color recipes and 5 B&W recipes. The basic Lightroom preset for RAW developing and the original “Standard” recipe ( the one from the 1.0 version ) also gained some improvements, so don’t forget to update them! :)

Just look how beautiful colors we have now:


23 April 2014

Film Lightroom Presets for Wedding Photography – J.Godoi

By |23 April 2014|Analog Story, Black&White Pepper, Lightroom 4-5 Presets, Presets Show Off, Wedding Photography|0 Comments

Film Lightroom Presets for Wedding Photography

Juliano Godoi uses the Complete Collection of our Lightroom 4-5 Presets. He loves to use Analog Story Collection, as these are great as film lightroom presets for wedding photography. They are subtle enough to capture timeless memories which will still look great years after the wedding day. They have also their own vintage character which let’s you easily create catchy colors.

5 April 2014

Lightroom Presets Testimonial ( Complete Collection ) – R.Kulwiec

By |5 April 2014|Lightroom 4-5 Presets, Presets Show Off, Testimonials|0 Comments


Lightroom Presets Testimonial

Rafal bought our Lightroom Presets Complete Collection exactly a year ago. Since then he received one major update to the presets.
Recently Rafal sent me his thought and impressions after a year with Delicious Presets. Here is his testimonial:


24 March 2014

Circus Festival shot by M.Mentel – Color Efex Pro Recipes processing

By |24 March 2014|Color Efex Pro Recipes, Delicious Recipes, Presets Show Off|0 Comments

Color Efex Pro Recipes

Marcin Mentel recently shot the 14th International Circus Festival by Zalewski Circus. He had a glimpse at all the preparations and backstage before, during and after the actual performance. For sure Marcin has an exceptionally perceptive eye! He took so many great shots and beautifully captured the atmosphere of circus show.

Our Lightroom 4/5 + Color Efex Pro 4 workflow

Lightroom Presets + Color Efex Pro Recipes

Marcin could process the whole set quickly with so pleasing colors as he used our Delicious Recipes. It is a Lightroom + Color Efex Pro workflow solution which lets you process whole sets the easy and very fast way. It focuses on a cohesive processing, so if you like to switch styles between each photo, it definitely won’t match your needs. Cohesive processing lets a viewer get deeper into the action and concentrate on the story you have to tell.

Delicious Recipes Testimonial

Delicious Presets review testimonial

(…) The aspects about Delicious Recipes post- processing I loved most:

Picture touch-up – New system divides the workflow into two stages (LR+CEP), which gives a fresh insight into the photo twice. This way, I have the chance to correct any possible previous mistakes that result from the fact that your eye gets used to the colors. Then, I can work on the best effect of the photograph.

Speed – The key thing – especially when you have to edit several thousand pictures a year, just like I do :)

The simplicity of developing – proper raw image developing according to the tips in the manual together with subsequent work with the set of Color Efex Pro effects allows me to bring out the details and improve tonal range of the picture. This way, I can get rich colors without spoiling their natural beauty at the same time. (…) [ Read a full testimonial on product page ]


10 July 2013

Film Lightroom Presets used by J.Godoi

By |10 July 2013|Analog Story, Customer Samples, Lightroom 4-5 Presets, Presets Show Off|0 Comments

Film Lightroom Presets

One Event = One Preset

Juliano Godoi usually uses one of our color presets and one bw preset within one photo set. This is exactly the same way I like to work. It gives nice consistency in whole set. Also the post-processing doesn’t distract a viewer from the plot. It is somewhat transparent and lets viewer enjoy your vision of the event. Keeping one preset within one event also helps to accent the mood that the preset gives for photos. This is also the reason why I like the presets to be more subtle and not so obtrusive. If you want edgy look for single shots, stronger presets might work well. For longer stories it is more natural and pleasant to view one event in subtle colors.

Film Lightroom Presets

Our film lightroom presets in Analog Story Collection are made for creating vintage yet natural look. They are subtle creamy and have a little grain ( adjustable ). Vintage accents are subtle here, to still look well when the years will pass. This could be crucial when you work as a wedding photographer.

Lightroom Presets Used

For color shots Juliano used Classic Analog from our Analog Story Presets Collection for Lightroom 4-5. Black&White shots are processed with B&W Deep Portrait from Black & White Pepper Presets Collection for Lightroom 4-5. These presets are also available in our bundles. ( By buying in bundles you can save up to 31% :) )

Wedding Photography in Brazil

Look at all these beautiful surroundings! Juliano, for sure you perfectly capture all the beauty of Brazilian weddings! :)