Lightroom 4 Collections Update to 1.1

It’s been almost a year since we released our Lightroom 4 Collections.

For me it was a very productive year, working mainly with the weddings and on improving Delicious Presets for you.

I received a lot of positive feedback from you and it’s nice to hear our presets work great for you! :)

There were also a few constructive suggestions for how we can improve the Delicious Presets, so we put them all together with our concepts and made the 1.1 UPDATE to all Lightroom 4 Presets! :)

All updates were just sent to all our customers.

Here are the details about an update:

1.1 (March 23, 2013)
	* All presets work now with both RAW & JPEG files
	* The presets now don't affect:
			- Exposure slider
			- Lens Corrections 
	* Delicious Colors
		- More focus on natural colors
		- New preset:
			- Precious Tone
		- Dropped not so natural colored presets:
			- Blue Portrait
			- Curry Taste
			- Lo-Fi Cross
			- Vintage Cross
	* Distinct Analog
		- New preset:
			- Sunset Glare
	* Analog Story
		- 80's Postcard RENAMED TO Little Goldie
		- New preset:
			- Shiny Gold
	* Black&White Pepper:
		- fixed strange effects when using BW Portrait Special on bulb light
	* Tone and color improvements to many presets
	* Dropped the alternative versions of presets to keep things more simple	
	* Added [RESET PRESET] preset to each collection to undo all the basic presets
	* Updated Installation Instructions & User's Manual